Are we done yet? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 10)This week, (well I guess technically last week, what even are weeks now during times like this), I started working on the beta usability…Nov 30, 2020Nov 30, 2020
Rehearsal (CSC490 Capstone Blog 9)This week I finished up the redux files to serve mock data to the browse page. Unfortunately, the team realized that the filter bar caused…Nov 23, 2020Nov 23, 2020
Which bone connects to what bone? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 8)This week I started on my task of displaying the browse page info with mock data using redux. Redux and its associated parts (thunkers…Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020
? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 7)This week my group met up once more to assign tasks for the next iteration. Because we presented last week, this iteration has a 2 week…Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
How do we get this done? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 6)For this week, my group came together to create our minimum viable product. Why do we only have one week to complete this? Why were we not…Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020
How was it? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 5)For this week, my group conducted remote usability tests using our low fidelity prototype. I was responsible for assisting in the note…Oct 24, 2020Oct 24, 2020
What does it look like? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 4)For this week, my group tried to create a low fidelity prototype and tasks for our potential web application. What should our users see…Oct 17, 2020Oct 17, 2020
Now what? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 3)For this week, my group took a break. We were blessed with an extension on our project design document, and have now mainly focused on…Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020
Who is this for? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 2)For this week, my group tried to understand the users for our potential web application. Who is this for? Are they the same as us? What…Oct 4, 2020Oct 4, 2020
What’s the problem? (CSC490 Capstone Blog 1)For this week, my group came together to understand the problem we are trying to solve. What’s the problem? Something about course reviews…Sep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020